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Product IDs

From Lunarsoft Wiki

Microsoft uses various Product IDs to identify variants of the Windows platform. A Windows product ID (currently, as of XP/2003/Vista) has the following format: xxxxx-yyy-zzzzzzz-zzzzz

If you are going to do a repair install or use someone else's CD with your product key, it is important that you understand the information on this page, especially with regards to matching your current product ID with the one on the CD you are going to use.

Starting with Vista, all product SKUs are on one disc. There is no need to worry about OEM/Retail/Upgrade issues when working with Vista. You only have to worry about your platform (currently, whether you are working with 32-bit or 64-bit platforms) since each platform is on its own disc.

'xxxxx' -- the Microsoft Product Code

The xxxxx section is the Microsoft Product Code, which in this case describes the platform, build, and version of Windows. Other product IDs with the same format, such as those found in Microsoft Office (and many other Microsoft products), serve the same purpose.

'yyy' -- the Channel ID

This section of the PID describes the channel (OEM, Volume License, Retail, bundle/Not For Resale) a given XP CD/system has come from.

  • 000 : Other (includes some retail, upgrade and evaluation versions) (includes (some?) MSDNAA discs)
  • 006 : MS or Partner promotions
  • 007 : FIXME : Retail
  • 009 : Not for resale - bundle
  • 011 : Upgrade (XP Home?)
  • 013 : Upgrade (XP Pro)
  • 071 : FIXME : Unknown.
  • 083 : Windows Genuine Advantage
  • OEM : OEM (This does not specify royalty or normal OEM)
  • 270 : Volume License
  • 296 : MSDN
  • 308/347 : Microsoft Action Pack subscription
  • 335 : Retail
  • 640 through 652 : Volume License (usually generated via 270 CID in setupp.ini)
  • 699 : Volume Windows XP Tablet Edition
  • 770 : Retail (at least according to WGA Diagnostic)

MPC list - English locale

  • 55274 : XP Pro generic OEM
  • 55276 : XP Pro (upgrade)
  • 55276 : XP Home (?) †
  • 55277 : XP Home generic OEM
  • 55285 : XP Pro †
  • 55661 : XP Pro (retail)
  • 76475 : XP Home (upgrade) (?)
  • 76477 : XP Home Royalty OEM ‡
  • 76481 : XP Pro Dell OEM
  • 76487 : XP Media Center Edition 2005
  • 76487 : XP Pro Royalty OEM ‡
  • 76487 : XP Pro SP2 (retail)
  • 76487 : XP Pro SP3 (OEM)
  • 76487 : XP Pro volume license (with '640' channel ID)
  • 76500 : XP MCE 2005 (which is XP Pro with no domain capability)
  • 76588 : XP Pro x64 OEM

MPC list - other languages

  • 55372 : XP Home - German (OEM)
  • 55373 : XP Home Upgrade - German (OEM)
  • 55375 : XP Pro - German (VLK)
  • 55639 : XP Pro - French (OEM)
  • 55677 : XP Home - Dutch
  • 55679 : XP Pro - Dutch
  • 55712 : XP Pro - French (retail ?)
  • 76381 : XP Home - Danish
  • 76392 : XP Pro - Danish
  • 76396 : XP Pro (also Home?) - Dutch
  • 76412 : XP Home - French (OEM)
  • 76413 : XP Pro - French (OEM)
  • 76416 : XP Home - German (OEM)
  • 76434 : XP Home - Italian (Royalty OEM)
  • 76440 : XP Pro - Norwegian (retail)
  • 76447 : XP Pro - Polish
  • 76460 : XP Home - Spanish (Royalty OEM) ‡
  • 76470 : XP Home - Traditional Chinese (Royalty OEM) ‡
  • 76497 : XP Pro - German (OEM)


  • ‡ : Royalty OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) means manufacturers that are special to Microsoft's endearing heart. They get their own private key and generated product keys that typically don't require activation (or are different than the product key on the COA sticker affixed to the computer). Certain big OEMs [Dell, Gateway, HP, Compaq, and more] are Royalty OEMs, and the little guys (your local mom + pop store) are obviously not. The mom and pop stores get 55277 for Home and 55285 for Pro. Typically, generic OEM discs (such as 55277 and 55274) will work on these systems, but activation will often fail -- you will have to call Microsoft's activation hotline and speak to a representative in order to activate Windows. This usually only takes a few minutes.

Windows XP complete list - English locale

Edition Volume Label File Date (DD-MM-YY) MPC CID
Windows XP Combo Home/Pro WXPHFPP_EN 23-08-01 1:00
Windows XP Home Retail WXHFPP_EN 23-08-01 8:00 55277 000
Windows XP Home Retail SP1 XRMHFPP_EN 29-08-02 8:00 55277 000
Windows XP Home Retail SP1a X1AHFPP_EN 31-03-03 8:00 55277 000
Windows XP Home Retail SP2 VRMHFPP_EN 4-08-04 8:00 55277 000
Windows XP Home Upgrade WXHCCP_EN 23-08-01 8:00 55285 000
Windows XP Home Upgrade SP1 XRMHCCP_EN 29-08-02 8:00 55285 000
Windows XP Home Upgrade SP1a X1AHCCP_EN 31-03-03 8:00 55285 000
Windows XP Home Upgrade SP2 VRMHCCP_EN 4-08-04 8:00 55285 000
Windows XP Home OEM WXHOEM_EN 23-08-01 8:00 55277 OEM
Windows XP Home OEM SP1 XRMHOEM_EN 29-08-02 8:00 55277 OEM
Windows XP Home OEM SP1a X1AHOEM_EN 31-03-03 8:00 55277 OEM
Windows XP Home OEM SP2 VRMHOEM_EN 4-08-04 8:00 55277 OEM
Windows XP Home OEM SP2 VRMHOEM_EN 4-08-04 12:00 76477 OEM
Windows XP Home Volume WXHVOL_EN 23-08-01 8:00 55274 270
Windows XP Home Volume SP1 XRMHVOL_EN 29-08-02 8:00 55274 270
Windows XP Home Volume SP1a X1AHVOL_EN 31-03-03 8:00 55274 270
Windows XP Home Volume SP2 VRMHVOL_EN 4-08-04 8:00 55274 270
Windows XP Home (SP2) DELL System Install XP2_PER_ENG
Windows XP Pro (SP2) DELL System Install XP2_PRO_ENG
Windows XP Pro Retail WXPFPP_EN 23-08-01 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro Retail SP1 XRMPFPP_EN 29-08-02 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro Retail SP1a X1APFPP_EN 31-03-03 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro Retail SP2 VRMPFPP_EN 4-08-04 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro Retail SP2 VX2PFPP_EN 28-02-2006 5:00AM 76487 000
Windows XP Pro Upgrade WXPCCP_EN 23-08-01 8:00 55276 000
Windows XP Pro Upgrade SP1 XRMPCCP_EN 29-08-02 8:00 55276 000
Windows XP Pro Upgrade SP1a X1APCCP_EN 31-03-03 8:00 55276 000
Windows XP Pro Academic Upgrade SP1 X1APCCP_EN 31-03-03 23:00 55276 000
Windows XP Pro Upgrade SP2 VRMPCCP_EN 4-08-04 8:00 55276 000
Windows XP Pro Academic Upgrade SP2 VRMPCCP_EN 4-08-04 23:00 76488 000
Windows XP Pro OEM WXPOEM_EN 23-08-01 8:00 55274 OEM
Windows XP Pro OEM SP1 XRMPOEM_EN 29-08-02 8:00 55274 OEM
Windows XP Pro OEM SP1a X1APOEM_EN 31-03-03 8:00 55274 OEM
Windows XP Pro OEM SP2 VRMPOEM_EN 4-08-04 8:00 55274 OEM
Windows XP Pro OEM SP3 GRTMPOEM_EN 4-14-08 5:00 76487 OEM
Windows XP Pro Volume WXPVOL_EN 23-08-01 8:00 55274 270
Windows XP Pro Volume SP1 XRMPVOL_EN 29-08-02 8:00 55274 270
Windows XP Pro Volume SP1a X1APVOL_EN 31-03-03 8:00 55274 270
Windows XP Pro Volume SP2 VRMPVOL_EN 4-08-04 8:00 55274 270
Windows XP Pro Tablet PC SP1 Disc 1 XRMPFPP_EN 29-08-02 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro Tablet PC SP1a Disc 1 X1APFPP_EN 31-03-03 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro Tablet PC SP2 Disc 1 VRMPFPP_EN 4-08-04 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro MSDN WXPFPP_EN 23-08-01 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro MSDN SP1 XRMPFPP_EN 29-08-02 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro MSDN SP1a X1APFPP_EN 31-03-03 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro MSDN SP2 VRMPFPP_EN 4-08-04 8:00 55274 000
Windows XP Pro Evaluation WXPEVL_EN

Note: these Channel IDs (CIDs) were taken from i386\SETUPP.INI. Windows Setup may generate a completely different Product ID than you see here; this is soley based on your product key.

Server 2003 MPC list - English locale

  • 69712 : Standard Edition 32-bit retail
  • 69712 : Standard Edition 32-bit volume licensing
  • 69712 : Standard Edition 32-bit OEM
  • 69763 : Standard Edition 32-bit evaluation
  • 69753 : Web Edition 32-bit retail
  • 69753 : Web Edition 32-bit volume licensing
  • 69753 : Web Edition 32-bit OEM
  • 69763 : Web Edition 32-bit evaluation
  • 69713 : Enterprise Edition 32-bit retail
  • 69713 : Enterprise Edition 32-bit volume licensing
  • 69713 : Enterprise Edition 32-bit OEM
  • 69763 : Enterprise Edition 32-bit evaluation
  • 69713 : Enterprise Edition 32-bit checked build
  • 69754 : Datacenter Edition 32-bit retail
  • 69754 : Datacenter Edition 32-bit OEM
  • 69770 : Enterprise Edition 64-bit retail
  • 69770 : Enterprise Edition 64-bit volume licensing
  • 69770 : Enterprise Edition 64-bit OEM
  • 69763 : Enterprise Edition 64-bit evaluation
  • 69770 : Enterprise Edition 64-bit checked build
  • 69769 : Datacenter Edition 64-bit retail
  • 69769 : Datacenter Edition 64-bit OEM
  • 74995 : Small business server
  • 76868 : Unknown Enterprise Edition 64-bit (FIXME)

Server 2003 MPC list - other languages

  • 75015 : SBS 32-bit - German


If you have to perform a "repair install" (Microsoft calls this an "in-place upgrade", and DjLizard interchangeably calls it an "overlay" or "repair install") then you MUST know these two things:

  1. The MPC of your destination computer, and
  2. the MPC of all of your Windows OEM CDs.

If you don't, then you will not be able to activate Windows properly, or in some cases, get the installation to accept your product key.

The MPC of your CDs can be determined by editing the SETUPP.INI in the i386 directory on your disc. You can (in some cases) simply edit this file, change the PID, and recompile the CD to be able to use whatever key you happen to need.

Retrieving your product ID or MPC

The current MPC for a system can be retrieved by various methods:

  • If the destination computer's operating system works well enough [even in safe mode], you can get it by right-clicking My Computer, clicking Properties, and reading the long ID number that appears under 'Registered to'.
  • You can use the command reg query "hklm\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion" /v ProductID at a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd.exe).
  • If the destination computer does not work very well, you can get the ID by attaching the hard drive to a working machine and mounting the appropriate registry hive. Highlight HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in your local regedit and choose File > Load Hive. Then browse to X:\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE (where X:\Windows is the drive letter and path to the Windows installation in question). It will ask you what key to mount; you then give it any name you like, and it will appear under your own HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Drill-down through Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion in this new key. You will see ProductID on the right.
    Do not forget to highlight the top key of the mounted hive, and choose File > Unload Hive when you are done.
  • Finally, you can sometimes find the ID you need if you check for the presence of either X:\i386\setupp.ini (where X: is the system's drive letter) or X:\Windows\i386\setupp.ini (where X:\Windows is the drive letter and path to the Windows installation folder in question).

Once you have the destination ID, it's as simple as inserting your CD that uses the same ID.

Bad Product IDs

As of 2005/10/22, Microsoft states that the following are invalid PIDs:

  • XXXXX-640-0000356-23XXX
  • XXXXX-640-2001765-23XXX

The above two product IDs are known as "Devil's Own", and usually have a product key starting with "FCKGW".

  • XXXXX-640-643718X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-641-309376X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-642-064580X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-642-464364X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-643-334701X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-644-081772X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-644-451265X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-644-874896X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-644-933704X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-644-962396X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-645-833254X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-645-994962X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-646-031843X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-646-104081X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-646-105103X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-647-318838X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-647-592029X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-647-677834X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-648-301691X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-648-819992X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-649-106765X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-649-941392X-23XXX
  • XXXXX-650-292312X-23XXX

These PIDs are detected when you attempt to install SP1, 2 or 3.

See also