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From Lunarsoft Wiki

This is the index page for the Lunarsoft freeware list. Feel free to expand on the software inside of these listings.

Category Description
Anti-Virus Programs to help keep your computer protected from viruses, trojans, and other malicious software.
Anti-Malware Programs to keep malware out or remove it if you get infected.
Firewalls Monitor your Internet and network activity.
Audio Players Listen to your favorite mp3s or Internet radio station.
Audio Utilities Help you create, edit, or rip audio files.
Browsers See the Internet in a different way.
Browser Companions Safely enhance your browsing experience.
Internet Chatting Keep in touch with friends and colleagues.
Codec Packs Useful for watching Internet videos which can use codecs such as DivX, XviD, Quicktime, Realplayer and more.
Computer Enhancements Enhance your desktop appearance.
Data Management Backup or recover your files.
Developer Tools to create the next great application.
Disk Management Clean, benchmark or optimize your computer.
Disk Security Protect your files.
E-Mail Clients to help you download your e-mails right to your computer.
File Compression Bundle your files and send them to others.
File Management Programs to view files like PDFs or to hex edit your files.
File Sharing Programs that let you exchange files with others over the Internet.
Gaming Applications to help you have fun and pwn noobs.
Graphics Applications Create your next work of art.
Internet Utilities Help you manage and create files on the Internet.
Office Applications Write documents, create spreadsheets and more.
Reference Programs to help you look up things faster.
System Utilities Repair or see the depths of your computer. Remember, use these with caution.
Video Players Watch your media in new ways.
Video Utilities Help you watch your downloaded media.