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Anti-Malware Toolkit

From Lunarsoft Wiki
Anti-Malware Toolkit

Version 2.0.4
Status Released
Release Date 2008-06-26
Last Update 2021-10-24
Author Tarun
Changelog Changes
Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11
License Freeware
Support Lunarsoft
Download Download
Useful Links Tips

Welcome to the Anti-Malware Toolkit (known as "AMT" for short) Wiki page!

If you feel the Anti-Malware Toolkit has helped you, please consider donating $5 or more via PayPal (account not required)!

Get support for this version of the Anti-Malware Toolkit on the Lunarsoft Forums.

For several years Lunarsoft has offered a collection of programs to help users clean and remove malware from their computers. We had offered several different versions of these collections called Anti-Malware packages. We want to make things even easier for our members and visitors. People have found a need to check their computers for malicious software for years. But finding the right programs to help with those tasks can often become difficult. Doing research to find the right programs takes a lot of valuable time; time that could be well spent fixing the computer.

Lunarsoft is officially releasing the Anti-Malware Toolkit, a program that provides easy access to a collection of applications available to download to help a user clean their computer and keep it in excellent running condition. Many of the applications offered in the Anti-Malware packages can be found in the Anti-Malware Toolkit.

The Anti-Malware Toolkit works on the following versions of Windows: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11. The Anti-Malware Toolkit may also work on Windows Vista and lower, though no support is available for legacy operating systems.

Help keep your computer safe, secure and clean from malware; get the Anti-Malware Toolkit today!


Warranty and liability

The Anti-Malware Toolkit is provided "as-is". Any expressed or implied warranties, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are rigorously disclaimed. In no event shall the author or authors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of use, functionality, data or profits, or business interruption, however caused and on any theory of liability, including negligence or otherwise, including copyright infringement, arising from or in any way out of the use of this program.

Under no circumstances will Tarun or any affiliates of this network be held liable for any direct, indirect, or financial losses resulting from the use of, or inability to use, the program.


For support, visit the Lunarsoft forums and post in the dedicated Anti-Malware Toolkit Forum. You can ask any questions about the Anti-Malware Toolkit, or give suggestions.


The Anti-Malware Toolkit is 100% freeware to use and redistribute, as long as the file is unmodified (hashes are provided below) and as long as no money is being charged for access to the file. No mirrors of the Anti-Malware Toolkit are necessary at this time. When referring to the Anti-Malware Toolkit, please link to Lunarsoft, the Lunarsoft Forums, or this wiki page rather than directly to the file.

Known issues

  • Unknown at this time.

Mirrors/download locations, and articles

The Anti-Malware Toolkit is a very easy to use program that anyone can use. However, it does require the .NET 4.8 Framework at a minimum. It is highly recommended that you install the latest .NET Framework.

Download Anti-Malware Toolkit

Anti-Malware Toolkit 2.0.4 (2021-10-24)

Installer: Download (RECOMMENDED)
Portable: Download

>>> NOTE: This software requires the .NET 4.8 Framework. The installer will check for the .NET 4.8 Framework. We recommend using the .NET 4.8 Framework.

Hash Lists

Name File Name Extension MD5 SHA1 SHA256
Anti-Malware Toolkit Setup Anti-Malware_Toolkit_Setup .exe 4191EE10503D83B26DDB6B7D2C868203 00C0A8074609F2BF6087ECF5BA91854698E85E44 C033F2AA254A95CFB76F83590BAB35470C637014D1DC278BFA766A9FDC90DCED
Anti-Malware Toolkit Portable Anti-Malware_Toolkit .zip 5EF322DE43E0E666CE9F4AAEA5FD6B2F 233066A032C75195C78DF1F0D484A7B52ED3CD38 AFF42B7108E8C060534D1E207755EED263F0ECB7F59C99E7795633AA4A2EBC7F


User Interface

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About tab

Awards & Mentions

This section will list awards that the Anti-Malware Toolkit has received.

Softpedia 100% Clean



DownloadSquad 1 DownloadSquad 2 DownloadSquad 3

Software.Informer Editor's pick award